Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Cookie Monster

Who ate the cookies in my.....cookie jar?!? Oh! That's right. I did!! Mom was doing her thing and I went into the kitchen to sniff at my cookie jar like I always do when I feel I need a treat. Mom keeps my cookie jar on the bench in the kitchen at nose level so I can sniff anytime I like. Today while peering into my jar, I noticed how empty it was getting. Worried about my supply running out, I whined at Mom to come look at the bare jar. Thinking I just wanted a cookie, Mom opened the jar and sat it on the floor for me to get a cookie out. Still worried about the dwindling treats, I sniffed around the cookie jar thinking I might be able to find some more if I tried hard enough. After several checks and sniffs I just decided to take a cookie or two and let Mom and Dad worry about my supply. They wouldn't let me run out of cookies......would they?

To see me raiding the cookie jar, click on the picture above!


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