Zoey's Beagle World
A blog about me and my adventures through the eyes of a young beagle.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
A hunting I will go

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Happy NEW YEAR!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Spring today...snow tomorrow

Here's a pic of me setting on Dad's lap at his computer desk. I'm a lap puppy and I always get my way. If Dad wont pick me up, I just climb my way up into his lap. Aren't I cute?
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Too cute pics!
I was sniffing around the blogs and I came across a really cool photo blog. It has all kinds of sweet baby animal pics! LOTS of puppy shots. It was funny to see all the different things we dogs do. We're so darn cute. It's no WONDER our humans can't resist us! If you need a dose of puppy love, click on over to Cuteoverload.com!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Nick nack paddy wack...Give your Dog A....PHONE???

The PetsCell! Now we can talk to Mom and Dad no matter where you are! Some guy in Canada named Cameron Robb invented it. It's a tiny little cell phone we can put around our neck. We can hear Mom and even talk back to her! For a little extra, we can get upgrades with a fiber optic camera and GPS tracing for the high tech dog! To check it all out, trot on over to Petsmobility.com!
Cookie Monster

To see me raiding the cookie jar, click on the picture above!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Workin' Like a Dog

Saturday, March 04, 2006
Is it Spring yet?

The days are slowly getting longer. The sun gets a little warmer during the day, and I get to spend more time playing outside in the sun. I love spring! So many new smells to sniff out, more people are out walking. And if I'm really lucky, a dog or two will stop by to say 'Hi' as they walk past my yard. Even Freckles, the dog next door, is outside in his pen more these days.
I get bored sitting around the house all day. I play with my toys, chew on my bones and take lots of naps. But when I REALLY get bored, I go looking for Dad to take me out for a nice long walk. All I have to do is look up at him with my big brown eyes and give him my best, 'I love you Daddy!' face, ( See photo) and he smiles and says, ' Why do you have to be so cute?'. It works every time!